10 tips of taking beautiful pictures at the graduation day
Every student wonders how to have the best pictures on his or her graduation day, pictures that will remind each one of years full of joy, stress, delays, deadlines… The following tips can help you have better ideas on how to take beautiful pictures on the graduation day: 1. Let Your Pictures Tell Stories: “The best the picture is, the best the story has.” While a single photograph may capture an image, it rarely tells a story. Take a sequence of college graduation images to capture the essence of the day. Start taking pictures from the early morning until night, so that you can capture different moments of your graduation ceremony and day. Also, you can after regroup all the pictures into a video that can be posted on different social media platforms and be very memorable. 2. Get at Least One Close-Up of the Gown: A graduation gown is a significant symbol of accomplishment. It's ideal for making the cover of a uni...